About us...
We are Seabreeze Kiteclub, based on the beautiful island of Siargao, Philippines. We are based and teach in the protected lagoon in General Luna. The spot provides flat water, steady winds and warm temperatures - what else could you ask for!
Our instructors are IKO qualified and have a range of experience and knowledge they are ready to share with you. We use equipment designed and manufactured by a leading brand - HYDE Sails - allowing you to learn safely with top of the range gear.

Siargao Island, General Luna

Our Wind Season...
Usually the wind here on Siargao starts blowing from around mid November - start December, and lasts until around March - April. This is called the Amihan wind season, and is our preferred season of wind for kiting and other wind sports.
Typically with these winds you can expect to use a large size of kite as the wind tends to be steady and light - 14 - 20 knots. Thats not to say that we don't receive any strong wind...there are occasions were winds do pick up and start heading more towards 25+.
We love this spot for teaching as the flat water and steady wind really give the student the best chance to progress and enjoy the sport. If you are a freestyle, old school and foil lover, this place is for you.